Human Potential Coaching
Awaken your true potential
Getting clarity
around challenges
Healthy lifestyle for sustained
energy & wellbeing
Realistic & achievable
goal setting
Ensuring success through motivation & accountability
Awaken Your True Potential
Feel Like It’s Time to Make a Change in Your Life? Can’t Seem to Find the Way?
I will create a space dedicate solely to you. A space for you to take stock and take action. With my skill and experience we co-create lasting change and growth. With my guidance you will achieve your goals faster and with more clarity and focus. Together we can accelerate growth, giving you more time and quality of life going forward.
Is Human Potential Coaching for you?
If you’ve answered yes, then I’d love to work with you to help you look clearly at your priorities, uncover hidden obstacles and help you achieve all you are capable of.
What I want to tell clients
“Insightful, understanding, and fun” is what comes to mind when I think of my coaching with Thekla. I’ve had the pleasure of receiving regular coaching from Thekla, during which she helped me set goals both personally and professionally, with a new sense of determination, a healthier mindset, follow through, and accountability. Above all, Thekla is a natural when it comes to listening, encouraging, and asking the right questions. I love how easy Thekla is to speak with, her experienced sense of guidance, and her focus and organization in our sessions. I always come away with more than expected, so I highly recommend her Health Coach services!
Zwischen Thekla und mir hat es sofort “gefunkt”. Mit regulären Online-Kursen und -Programmen bin ich nicht wirklich weitergekommen. Einen Coach hatte ich bisher nicht in Erwägung gezogen. Thekla bietet ein sehr holistisches, ganzheitliches Coaching an und das war für mich genau das Richtige, denn ich hatte am Anfang große Probleme zu definieren, was das Problem war und was ich ändern wollte. Die vielen Baustellen auf dem Weg sind wir sehr fokussiert angegangen und konnten erfolgreich Prioritäten setzen.
Was mir besonders an der Zusammenarbeit mit Thekla gefallen hat war wie sanft aber doch bestimmt sie unsere Sessions geleitet hat. Sie gibt allen Gedanken und Gefühlen einen Raum und setzt sie dann in den nötigen Kontext.
Thekla is an inspiring and well-skilled coach. She is a deep level listener and has helped me to reframe and better understand some of the challenges that have been keeping me from my best self. Thekla is very knowledgeable in many areas but reserves her opinions and expertise unless her client truly becomes stuck or runs out of their own resources. Thekla has helped me to find and implement my own answers and is excellent in holding me accountable to my goals.