
Human Potential Coaching

Awaken your true potential


Your Investment into Yourself


We would start with a 30-minute complimentary discovery and chemistry call conducted in English or German.


Coaching sessions are conducted by zoom or the most appropriate digital platform for you.


Coaching sessions last between 45 - 75 minutes depending on your needs.


As each client's needs, time & budget are different, I like to work pricing on an individual basis, but as a guideline, please see breakdown below.

Single Sessions

This price is based on a 60 minute session. 

80 EUR

6 Sessions Package

This price is based on a 60 minute session. 
Monthly split payment available.

360 EUR

12 Sessions Package

This price is based on a 60 minute session. 
Monthly split payment available.

600 EUR

Typically coaching is designed around achieving certain goals. Achieving these goals may take a matter of weeks
but in some cases month or years. In the clarification and goal setting stage, having sessions every 2 weeks
works well. Moving into the implementation, reflection and maintenance phases,
sessions every 4 – 6 weeks is optimal.

In coaching with me you can expect to reflect on and get clarity around on the topics, goals and desired outcomes which are most relevant to you. In each session we will work on bite sized pieces of your pre-determined larger goals.

Special Offer

New to coaching? If you have never experienced the magic of coaching, are very keen to try it, but have concerns with the financial investment, the methodology or effectiveness, I am more than happy to create a taster package for you. Book a chemistry call with me and we can discuss a special offer tailor made to your needs.

Hours of business

I live in Berlin, Germany, but since my clients are scattered around the globe my hours are pretty flexible. We’ll work out a time that suits us both once we connect.